Why I want to raise awareness about The Daisy Network

In 2017 I came back from a sunny holiday in the Canary Islands with the best tan I’d ever had. I was honestly radiating heat and thought that the tan was literally heating me up. I was working in Fashion Buying at the time and so my personal problems often got put to one side, due to a busy schedule, but something was happening to my body and it wasn’t letting me ignore it.


After a few weeks convincing myself I either had sun damage or I was pregnant, I finally took myself to the doctor and embarrassingly asked why I might be having hot flushes. I remember that day all too well because I’d naively got my hopes up about having a baby and within my 10 minute appointment, I’d very bluntly been told there was a possibility I couldn’t have children. 

I was 26 at the time and travelling every other week with work in what I thought was my dream job but it soon became very lonely and my emotions were all over the place. I’d be in a meeting and next minute I’d be having a hot flush. I couldn’t concentrate and I’d find myself getting teary if I had 2 mins to think on my own. I kept what I was going through from my colleagues as I was told that if you start to talk about fertility then it can affect your chances of promotion, especially in fashion.

I went through 1.5 years of symptoms - hot flushes, low mood, anxiety, troubles sleeping before I was diagnosed with Premature Ovarian Insufficiency (POI) also known as Premature Menopause and I went on hormone replacement therapy (HRT.) It’s been a bumpy ride to find the right one for me but I am starting to feel my normal self again after 4 years. 

I’ve chosen to talk about this now because I feel like I am able to. It’s been a really tough thing to come to terms with and I have felt quite consumed by it all especially at the age I am now when a lot of my friends are having children. I really want to raise awareness and let anyone else who’s going through premature menopause know that they’re not alone. It might sound silly but no one can prepare you for the sense of grief you feel when you’re told you don’t have any eggs left… And there’s a horrible stigma around menopause that makes you feel embarrassed and ashamed.

So… why am I raising money for The Daisy network?! Well, I was lucky enough to find out about them early on in my diagnosis and when the doctors couldn’t give me answers, they made me feel less alone. This amazing charity is run entirely by volunteers who recognise that there is not enough awareness or education about POI. I had absolutely no idea you could hit menopause before the age of 50, let alone 30 but more than 1% of women under 40 go through early menopause. The Daisy Network provides women going through POI with resources and is focused on raising awareness within the medical profession. I’ve met some amazing women through meet-ups and events and it’s so nice to feel like you’re part of a community when you’re in your darkest moments.

Phewpht, that was a personal one to write but I really hope that if you’re reading this and you or someone you know is going through POI, know you’re not alone and I am here if you ever need to chat. 

As a massive thank you to The Daisy Network, I’ve designed a special plant pot and saucer and will be donating 30% of sales from this, to their cause. 

If you’ve read this far - thank you! 💗